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March 7, 2024 Davis Law Group

If you've just received orders for a deployment, there are probably a million things racing through your head that need to be taken care of. Whether you're leaving in a week or in

February 8, 2024 Davis Law Group

Before deciding to modify a trust, it is important to consider the tax implications of such action. Modifying a trust could adversely affect income, gift, estate, and/or generation-skipping transfer taxes. Trusts generally are

August 2, 2023 Davis Law Group

Estate planning for married couples can be tricky when one spouse is significantly wealthier than the other, and each spouse wants different beneficiaries to ultimately inherit their estate. One solution to this problem

July 13, 2023 Davis Law Group

You may be surprised to learn that not only has asset protection planning been around for a long time, but you likely have already engaged in it at some point during your life.

June 29, 2023 Davis Law Group

Is your estate planning up to date? There are a few simple questions you can ask yourself to find out.   Do you have a will or a trust? Without your own plan you

June 16, 2023 Davis Law Group

An estate plan that includes a revocable living trust is an excellent way to protect yourself and your loved ones upon your passing or in the event you are unable to manage your

May 25, 2023 Davis Law Group

As the world becomes more of a global community, it is no longer uncommon for married couples to maintain different citizenships. While a difference in citizenship alone can present complexities from an everyday

May 4, 2023 Davis Law Group

There are five words you never want your doctor to say: “Get your affairs in order.” But it happens. And unfortunately, 58 percent of Americans do not have a will or trust in

April 13, 2023 Davis Law Group

In the United States, it’s not that easy to disinherit your spouse, but the same is not true for other family members. Generally, you can use your estate plan to disinherit your brothers

March 23, 2023 Davis Law Group

 You just found out that your favorite aunt, Aunt Melba, has died and have received a notice from the attorney handling Aunt Melba's affairs stating that you are a beneficiary. Your best friend advises