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May 21, 2015 Davis Law Group

Life insurance is a financial asset that is widely used to help protect your family from expenses after your death. However, what most people don’t realize is that even though life insurance is

April 29, 2015 Douglas Davis

Recently the Wall Street Journal published an article that stated only 10% of the adult population has a plan for a lifetime disability or for distribution of assets at death. This is pretty

April 22, 2015 Douglas Davis

A few weeks ago in our blog, we discussed how to fund a living trust. To recap briefly, a living trust is basically a container with very specific instructions for how to handle

April 2, 2015 Douglas Davis

Revocable living trusts are a popular estate planning tool these days, but unless they are funded with assets, they are essentially useless. Think of a revocable trust as a container, and on top

March 26, 2015 Davis Law Group

Determining whether a trust account is right for you depends on your situation and what you plan to do with the money that will be put into the trust. Trusts can provide excellent

September 22, 2014 Douglas Davis

Until recently we didn’t worry too much about inherited IRA’s because they have always been protected from creditors, predators and some marital claims. That recently changed when the Supreme Court decided Clark v.

July 22, 2014 Douglas Davis

Most of us make mistakes.  They vary in importance and for the most part can be corrected before any real damage has been done. With estate planning we find that mistakes vary based

April 4, 2014 Douglas Davis

An important part of any thorough estate plan is the preparation of a Durable Power of Attorney.  This document allows someone you designate to represent you and act on your behalf to deal

February 14, 2014 Davis Law Group

If you set up a Revocable Living Trust (What is a Living Trust?) for estate planning purposes, you probably did so with the belief that it would make administration of your estate easy,

February 3, 2014 Douglas Davis

We all remember the movie where grandpa has died and the entire family is gathered for a reading of the will at the attorney’s office.  Usually there is a fireplace nearby and you