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July 1, 2020 Douglas Davis

The bad news: When a deceased person’s estate (which is simply a term referring to all of their money and property) has to go through probate (the court-supervised process of distributing a deceased

June 24, 2020 Douglas Davis

It is not uncommon for couples to enter into marital agreements stating what property is separately owned by each spouse and the property rights each spouse will have in the event of separation,

May 20, 2020 Douglas Davis

Do you know a hoarder?  I certainly do --- might even have some in my family!  Hoarding is more than just being a bit messy: It is actually a disorder causing some people

April 21, 2020 Douglas Davis

News about the coronavirus is everywhere, and we have all been affected by it in many ways. Although in many ways the situation is beyond our control, we are not powerless. There are

April 15, 2020 Douglas Davis

As the Coronavirus continues to disrupt daily life and leave Americans uncertain of the future, we want you to know that you don’t have to feel helpless during this pandemic. In fact, now

April 8, 2020 Douglas Davis

Many people own property in more than one state - perhaps a vacation home in Florida, a rental property in a former home state, or even a car titled in another state. It is

March 24, 2020 SuAnne Bryant

The passage of the Coronavirus relief law, known as the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, becomes effective April 2, 2020, and terminates on December 31, 2020. Here are the key points: Emergency Family

February 26, 2020 Davis Law Group

Hopefully you go to your doctor at least once a year to get a physical. This visit helps detect and treat problems before an illness or health condition becomes a major problem. It’s

February 20, 2020 Davis Law Group

On January 1, 2020, the most impactful retirement account legislation in decades became law. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (SECURE Act) will have a positive impact for many older

January 21, 2020 Davis Law Group

Estate planning is not just about what happens to your stuff when you die. It is about coordinating all aspects of your life so you can be taken care of during times when